Malta: Your Safe Summer Holiday Destination

Summer in Malta

Malta is proud to be the fastest country in Europe to roll out the Covid-19 vaccine. As a result, active cases here are extremely low with a very low risk of new infections.

Maltese restrictions have been quite effective. People have needed to wear masks in public spaces for quite some time, which has meant that general life in Malta hasn’t been affected as dramatically as some other countries. This means that many restaurants have continued to function while adhering to social distancing measures after one or two “mini” lock-downs to keep cases under control.

Travellers arriving to Malta are required to present a negative PCR Covid-19 test performed no more than seventy-two hours prior to arrival in Malta. Alternatively, travelers need to provide proof that they have had the vaccine. (For the latest travel advice to Malta please visit the local authorities website.)

With its stunning beaches and grottos, Malta offers an abundance of outdoor activities to enjoy. The beautiful Mediterranean weather also helps to make activities outside even more special. From a casual day at the beach, to walking in the stunning countryside, Malta offers an attractive prospect for those who perhaps want to escape from city life.

Malta offers visitors an array of different restaurants to suit all budgets. From traditional Mediterranean style dishes in small family run restaurants, to more exotic offerings in the commercial areas of the island, Malta really does cater to all tastes.

With thousands of years of history Malta has become known as an “outside museum”. The Silent City of Mdina, which was once the capital city, provides visitors with the opportunity to travel back to a time where soldiers had to fend off wave after wave of invasions. While walking the narrow, winding streets, one can’t help but imagine what life must have been like all those years ago.

Similarly, the historic capital city of Valletta offers a similar feel blending hundreds of years of history with relaxing modern street side cafes for you to rest and soak up the atmosphere.

Hotels such as ours at The Phoenicia Malta, have adhered to strict cleanliness guidelines to ensure that our customers enjoy a safe environment. The Phoenicia Malta offers visitors an even more attractive prospect as our gardens are a sight to behold. No other hotel in Malta offers such a beautiful, lush and large (7.5 acres) garden space for visitors to enjoy.

So are you ready to come and relax by the pool?